FAQ: Pride Dragon Bagons - A draconic quest
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Kickstarter!

What's the difference between handmade and manufactured Dragon Bagons/why are some dragons more expensive than others?

The primary price difference between the dragons I have available is how they were or will be made.

  • Manufactured in a small run (by industry standards), to my design specs. These items are usually the lowest individual cost, but require the biggest initial outlay. Included are the existing Manufactured Rainbow Dragon Bagon, existing Manufactured Purple/Green Dragon Bagon, Manufactured Bi Pride Dragon, and Manufactured Ace Pride Dragon Bagon, and possibly Manufactured Trans and Lesbian Dragon Bagons if we meet the add on stretch goal.

  • Handmade by me and my helpers. These dragons are usually more expensive per individual dragon, but require much less initial outlay. They are typically made in batches of 1-6 and involve a lot of time (and occasionally blood sacrifices to the demonic sewing machines). Currently included are Handmade Ace, Handmade Bi (pink), Handmade Bi (purple), Handmade Bi (blue), Handmade Aro, Handmade Agender, Handmade Pastel Trans, Handmade Bright Trans, Handmade Genderfluid, Handmade Genderqueer, Handmade Non Binary, Handmade Black Rainbow, Handmade Blue Rainbow, Handmade Lesbian, Handmade Polyam, and Handmade Pan. These are available in standard size and Elder (double) size.

Last updated: December 09, 2021 19:19

Will you make more manufactured Pride Dragon Bagons?

It depends on the outcome of this project. The plan is to complete it and then if it’s done well, look into expanding the manufactured pride line further.

Last updated: December 09, 2021 19:19

Can I order a Red/Black Dragon Bagon or Bagthulhu as an add on?

Unfortunately not. I have almost run out of Red/Black Dragon Bagons so they aren’t available through this project and I’m currently sold out of Bagthulhus. You can definitely pair up with a Rainbow or Purple/Green Dragon Bagon though - they would love to come and guard your (their) hoard.

Places you can check that might still have a Black/Red Dragon Bagon or Bagthulhu in stock:

https://www.etsy.com/nz/shop/WaywardMasquerade (NZ based, we ship internationally) https://nerdychicken.ca/ (Canadian based, and super cool) https://meeplesanddragons.com.au/ (Australian based and also super cool) https://store.hplhs.org/ (US based, Lovecraft specific) https://www.beadndgames.co.nz/ (NZ based and new on the scene) https://www.queerlyanerd.co.nz/ (NZ based and fabulous ^_^)

Another option is to make contact with me (Bridget) about a handmade option. I won’t be able to look at taking on new orders until after January 2022 though (I may need to update this date depending on workload)

Last updated: December 09, 2021 20:56

Will you make Pride dice to match the Dragon Bagons?

Not in this project, but possibly in the future. I investigated the cost of making matching dice and the cost of minimum order quantities meant that it might make it more difficult to get the Dragon Bagons made. It’s definitely something I’m open to investigating in the future.

If I get my paws on some awesome dice from another creator I work with in time, I’ll see about getting some in and making them add ons. I don’t have a timeframe for this right now though.

Last updated: December 09, 2021 19:26

There's a Pride Dragon Bagon design I want that isn't available here, can I get it?

It may already be available in our handmade lineup, there’s a small number of add on slots for handmade pride dragon bagons available to KS backers. If those have gone I may be able to take on more handmade work in January 2022 (this date will need to be updated)

If it’s not in the existing lineup I can take on a small number of custom commissions as the schedule allows. These would be at handmade prices and likely need to be organised as the schedule allows.

Last updated: December 09, 2021 19:40

I prefer the handmade version of the Ace/Bi/Trans/Lesbian

There’s a small number of handmade Pride Dragon Bagon options still available it. If those are all going though and you’re happy to wait, when the schedule opens up I can take more handmade orders, though I’m not sure whether it would be through backerkit or through my etsy store, and likely it would not have the same level of discount.

Last updated: December 09, 2021 19:27

Can you do a custom design for me?

I may be able to take on a small number of custom commissions early next year, I’ll announce it on my social media channels when I have space.

Last updated: December 09, 2021 19:46

I want a pride Dragon/Pin but I'm not safe having something obviously pride related being mailed to me, what can I do?

None of our shipping bags and boxes are marked with pride colours. We also have an option to handwrite your invoice and customs declaration form to simply say “Dragon Dicebag” if you feel unsafe having any identifying words on your package. The hang tag and sewn label on the Dragon Bagons will include pride related words and colours, and if we are shipping to the UK or EU we are required by law to not remove these tags (as they will also feature the CE and UKCA marks), and the dragons themselves are brightly coloured. If you want a pride dragon or pin but are concerned about safety, please get in touch and we will work with you as best we can to find a solution.

You could also have the parcel shipped to you care of a workplace address, or to a friend, family member or supportive organisation that you trust. You would need to get their permission first and make sure the address is correct and up to date, as I can’t control what people do with parcels once they’re out of my hands.

Last updated: December 09, 2021 19:50

Why is the age bracket 14+?

This was the age bracket advised to me by the third party safety testing lab I work with, based on the new laws in the EU and UK. I realise that younger children may want to cuddle Dragon Bagons, but I strongly recommend adult supervision for them if they do, due to the drawcord, style of seam, plastic eyes, and the likelihood of them being used to hold dice or other items that present a choking hazard.

Last updated: December 09, 2021 19:45

Can you ship to the EU and UK?

Yes. I am in contact with company that can act as my authorised representative for the EU and the UK, both for safety and VAT compliance. Shipping to the EU and UK will likely be higher due to the extra layers administration we’ll need to go through to be compliant with laws coming into effect now and in the next twelve months.

Some items were designed and made before the new laws came in and may not be allowed to be shipped to EU/UK or are not practical to put through testing because there are so few of them - These are: Handmade Dragon Bagons, Existing Manufactured Dragon Bagons (Purple/Green, Rainbow), and Dragon Bagon dice (though I am investigating whether these can be shipped)

Last updated: December 09, 2021 19:48

What about GST/VAT?

At this stage, I am offering VAT/GST inclusive prices for Aotearoa/New Zealand, the EU, and the UK. My current understanding is that we are not required to apply sales tax to the USA.

I do not currently have a solution to cover GST for Australian backers, however we will continue to look for one.

Last updated: December 09, 2021 19:48

Why are you charging shipping separately?

One of the effects of the pandemic is that the cost of shipping has increased dramatically. The quotes I get for shipping now may be significantly inaccurate in six to twelve months time. It’s reasonable to expect delays in production, testing, importing, and fulfillment due to the situation worldwide, so I don’t want to promise a shipping rate now and then surprise backers with a different one later, or run out of funds to absorb the extra cost. I have rough estimates for shipping costs, but they do come with the caveat that I cannot guarantee that they will stay the same over the course of the project.

Last updated: December 09, 2021 19:50

Can you make a custom pledge for me?

Most combinations of items are available by choosing add ons, but if you need some specific and can’t find it, please get in touch and we’ll try to help.

Last updated: December 09, 2021 19:51

Why are there so few handmade dragons available?

My helpers and I can only make so many, so we’re trying to keep the handmade side small and manageable. If we end up with a surplus we can offer them to backers as add ons.

Last updated: December 09, 2021 19:49

Why is the timeframe so long?

Because I have learned that Murphy’s law is alive and well in the world, especially when you’re a teeny tiny business that doesn’t take priority for larger manufacturers. The last Kickstarter project was delayed by a variety of issues outside of my control - family health, a collaboration that fell through late in the piece, having to change manufacturers and increase order quantities, then the pandemic delaying the final production run and drastically increasing shipping costs.

So I’ve taken a “standard” timeline and tripled it. It’s intended so that if something went really wrong before the halfway mark, I would be able to start over and hopefully still get your rewards to you on time. Even then I’m trying to focus on a good balance of quality and timing rather than stressing about deadlines. If we get lucky and things go mostly smoothly, we’ll just deliver early, which would be awesome.

Last updated: December 09, 2021 19:45

I want a particular item but it hasn't been unlocked yet

There’s a couple of options here

  • If it’s a Pride Dragon Bagon, there are a few slots left as an add on for KS backers. You could also try making contact through the etsy store if it’s a handmade item. I may be able to take on more handmade orders in January 2022 (this date will likely need to be updated depending on workload)

  • Manufactured Trans and Lesbian Pride Dragon Bagons are available as a stretch goal add on, so if enough backers pledge for one before the last wave of fulfillment, we’ll be able to put those into production.

Last updated: December 09, 2021 19:34

What's the difference between existing manufactured Dragon Bagons and the new ones?

1 - The new manufactured Pride Dragon Bagons have a loop and button under the chin to help hold the head in place.

2 - This time around the manufacturing, shipping, testing, and other costs are significantly higher, which is caused by time and the pandemic.

3 - The fabric for the new manufactured Pride Dragon Bagons is a bit softer.

4 - New labelling and testing laws in the UK and EU mean that we have had to adjust the labels, testing schedule, and age bracket slightly to comply.

Last updated: December 09, 2021 19:31

When will X item be ready?

Estimated time frames (Though I’m hoping we’ll be quicker)

Sample Pride Dragon pins - Ready now, but limited in number Existing manufactured Dragon Bagons - Ready now but limited in number Dragon Bagon dice - Ready now but limited in number Pride Dragon pins - June 2022 Handmade Pride Dragon Bagons - June 2022 (some without button/loop may be sooner) Handmade Elder Pride Dragon Bagons - October 2022 (some without button/loop may be sooner) Manufactured Pride Dragon Bagons - April 2023 Dice jails - April 2022 (ready now, but some additional runs may need to be made to meet demand) T Shirts - June 2022 (some are ready now but additional runs will need to be made to meet demand)

Last updated: December 09, 2021 19:57

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